Inspire Your Audience to Lean In
Jan 02, 2023
I’ll never forget it! Very early in my speaking days, I was speaking to a group of high school students. I was still very inexperienced, but I was also very excited to communicate my message. It started great and the students seemed to be very engaged as I spoke. Then it happened, one by one I saw individual students lean in as I told a story. It was incredible. They stuck with me like a cat watching a laser pointer. I started telling a story and they laughed and then the story took a turn and again, one by one students started to tear up. It was an incredible connection with the audience.
One of the most powerful moments in every leader's life is when they stand in front of people and communicate. Yes, one-on-one leadership is as important. But, there is just something so unique and potentially life changing when a leader has prepared a talk and has to communicate that talk. Whether it’s an encouragement to their sales team, a pep talk because morale is low, a presentation to a new client, a sermon to a church, or a challenge to move people, that moment can potentially become THE moment.
Have you ever had one of those kinds of moments? You know what I’m talking about. The day seemed to be like every other day until that moment happened. Then, it became THE moment. A moment that is remembered in your life and the life of those who you were communicating to.
Those kinds of moments are when everything comes together for you as a communicator. A shift takes place. You notice something different. You begin seeing your audience or your team or your people do something that can potentially shock you the first time you see it.
They lean in. They stop taking notes, stop looking down at their phone, and simply lean in. Everything comes together. Your preparation, your research, your editing, your writing, your practicing and your presentation flows. Your audience is locked in and they lean in while you speak.
You will remember those moments. They will stick with you because they become ‘THE’ moment in your life and leadership. These moments are so memorable because when you speak and people lean in, you are dialed in and they are dialed in. Honestly, it’s a glorious moment.
Why? Because we speak to help people. Whether it’s a sales presentation, a challenge, an encouragement or a message of hope, we speak to help people take action. To make potentially life changing decisions. To not settle, but to gravitate towards something better for their lives. And when they lean in, that’s exactly where decisions are made.
Let’s learn how to compel our audiences to lean in. Whether you DELIVER presentations, SPEAK from stages or INFLUENCE from a camera, we all need to learn how to be more effective! And that’s just what we’ll do together at The Speakers Conference!
Clearwater Beach is absolutely gorgeous. Imagine waking up and walking the beach before breakfast. Enjoy a cup of coffee listening to the waves and enjoying a beautiful morning in Florida. Then our incredible group of communicators will teach, inspire, and challenge us to grow in our communication skills. Because of the intimacy of the conference, you can ask them your most pressing questions. Lastly, the Clearwater Beach sunsets are amazing. Get ready to be recharged.
You may have some questions about your 2.5 days in Clearwater Beach. Here are the answers to your most pressing questions:
What is The Speakers Conference? A two and half day conference for speakers who have a strong desire to not only be effective, but to become a more authentic, empathetic and captivating speaker. This is for speakers who have a strong desire to inspire their audience to LEAN IN.
When: March 21-23, 2023 (Kicks off at 1pm on March 21 and ends at 3pm on March 23)
Where: Sheraton Sand Key Resort 1160 Gulf Blvd, Clearwater Beach, FL
Who is this for? Business & ministry leaders who Speak and Present.
Who are the speakers?
- Mike Goodwin - AGT Comedian
- Albert Tate - Pastor and International Speaker
- April Diaz - Professional Coach
- Dr. Jason Burns - Business CEO
- Jason Raitz - Founder of Speak with People
- Dennis Neel - Business executive
- Terry Prisk - Executive Director of Contemporary Communication
- Caitlyn Neel - Speak with People Content Director
- Dennis Poulette - Media Marketing Specialist
What will I learn?
- Discover the power of speaking with people and not at them. You will learn the key to becoming an authentic speaker. Rid yourself of having a ‘speaker's voice’, being the hero of your own stories, rambling on and on, and wasting everyone’s time.
- Learn how to understand, know, and genuinely care for your audience. Discover how empathy leads the way and why it’s better to be the real you on stage or in front of a camera.
- The importance of clarity and how it can be used to captivate your audience. Learn the power of the clarity box, why wrestling with words is so important and how to keep your thoughts organized. Trust us, clarity is truly king.
- The key to actually improving and delivering an A+ talk is painstaking preparation and evaluated experience. You will learn how to be so ready you will explode if you don’t give your talk and you will learn the value of honest criticism.
- Tell stories that matter and deeply connect with your big idea. You will learn the key to bringing your audience into the story and how to move them emotionally.
- Make laughter your partner. This partnership is key for building trust with your audience. Here’s the secret formula: Laughter + Listening + Learning = Life Change.
- Find joy in learning how to build a team. This team will be your sounding board to run ideas by and help bring clarity to your message.
What fun will I experience?
- The Welcome Reception! Not only will we be partying on the Ocean, we will experience the Best Ocean Sunset EVER with amazing food, drinks and live music.
- Networking and Connecting. Amazing opportunities to rub shoulders with, get to know stories about and learn from other speakers and leaders.
- Speakers who Connect Deeply. Incredible keynote and breakout guest speakers who will challenge, inspire, and encourage you to become the kind of speaker who gets their audience to LEAN IN.
- The Beach. Literally the beach is steps behind the hotel. You can take a morning run or walk on the beach. You can drink your coffee while watching the ocean.
- The Jolly Trolly. No really, there is a beach shuttle service. You’re going to love it.
- Gorgeous Outdoor Activities. There is an amazing pool and hot tub. Plus, there are beach volleyball courts, pickleball and tennis courts and outdoor games.
- Come a day early or stay a day late and enjoy all that the area has to offer. And for all you baseball fans out there,the hotel is located only 35 minutes from three Spring Training Baseball sites.
This is going to be a fantastic gathering and your final step is to register and get ready.
Click HERE for the official conference website.
Head HERE to register.
We really believe 2.5 days in Clearwater Beach could have a monumental impact on your speaking and communication skills. We know you will have many incredible moments at the conference and we hope you will experience a few of THE moments as you’re inspired by our team of speakers. Take the step to grow in your speaking, recharge and learn how to inspire your audience to lean in this March in Clearwater Beach.