Don't Rush Communication

speak with people Jul 01, 2024
There is Power in Going Slow




"Pay close attention to everything. Notice what no one else notices. Then you’ll know what no one else knows, and that’s always useful." Jeanne DuPrau

I have cherished every season of parenting, but my oldest's toddler years were particularly special. She made me the center of her universe, and our moments together were magical. Most days, as I returned from work, her anticipation radiated down the street.

Isn’t that an incredible feeling? To be eagerly awaited and wanted by someone? But let’s get back to the story.

I’d barely step onto the porch before she’d leap into my arms. Oh, to revisit those all-encompassing toddler hugs! She’d cling tightly, nestling her head on my shoulder, whispering, “Daddy, I love you all myself.” With her resemblance to Boo from Monsters Inc., she was undeniably adorable.

Once inside, our routine unfolded. I’d embrace my wife while our toddler clung to me, and then we’d settle on the couch for a few stories. One memorable day, she handed me a book titled Who Loves Baby. It was small, a perfect square, not even 20 pages long.

We sat down, and in our own little daddy-daughter bubble, I began reading. Each page posed the same question: “Who loves baby?” By the tenth repetition, Bekah shot me an inquisitive look, but she trusted Dad, so we kept going.

Upon finishing, I felt accomplished. It was a beautiful moment shared with my daughter, and I’d completed a book cover to cover. I was on cloud nine. If you’ve listened to the Speak with People Podcast or read the Speak with People blog, you know we value reading. We do our best to pump you with great recommendations and resource ideas. That’s why, at the end of every podcast interview, I always ask our guest to recommend one leadership book for our listeners. So, to finish a book and model the importance of reading to my daughter, I felt very proud.

Then, my wife intervened, grabbing the book from my hands. With a mischievous grin, she tapped the cover, and said, “Jason Robert Raitz.”

Oh, the notorious full name call-out! When my wife or mother says my full name, I know that what’s coming isn’t good. I sensed trouble, not understanding how I’d possibly spoiled our story time.

She opened the book, displaying the first page and revealing what I’d missed. Each page contained a flap, concealing an entire hidden story. In my rush to finish, I missed out. In my rush to have the perfect moment with my daughter, I missed the most important part. The story. Baby was cherished and adored by their parents and grandparents. They explored the zoo and saw the baby panda.

I had missed the essence of the story in pursuit of experiencing that quintessential daddy-daughter moment. Because I was fixated on completing the book rather than relishing the experience and truly engaging with it, I didn’t accomplish much of anything.




Can you relate? Do you rush your communication? Either speaking too fast, not fast enough, or not at all? Do you miss the underlying message of what is happening? And because of that, your communication is highly ineffective.

I implore you not to rush your communication. Don’t merely skim the pages. I understand, you’re a leader; I, too, have my stack of everything awaiting my attention. But resist the urge. Take your time. This communication lesson could have saved me a lot of heartache throughout the years of leading teams.

Here’s why: Your communication as a leader is paramount. Many, like me with that story, rush through their communication. They overlook the nuances, slap something together, and make mistakes in hopes of being heard. They believe that being a leader means speaking above all and whatever they say goes.

Your communication requires patience. Don’t miss a single detail in your haste. Take your time to speak, write, craft your presentation, film your video, create your course, write your book, send that text message, leave that voicemail, and have the conversation.

Believe me, once you grasp the power of not rushing your communication, your leadership will undergo exponential improvements.

Are you ready for that transformation? Then slow down. Make a plan. Work the plan.

By Jason Raitz - CEO, Speak with People

Jason loves to communicate! With decades of leadership and communication experience as a professional speaker, Jason customizes fun and engaging workshops for all company sizes to grow their communication culture.